Monday, March 14, 2011

Global Service Jam Dublin 2011

March, 14th 2011. We did it!! The 48 hours Worldwide Service Design Challenge has been a fantastic success!!!
Just to sum up for the one that didn't read one of the last posts (terrible!): from Friday March 11th 2011, Dublin was one of the over 40 cities around the world that participated to the Global Service Jam 2011.

People interested in design, service and customer experience met all over the globe in a spirit of experimentation, co-operation and friendly competition to develop brand new services inspired by a shared theme, (SUPER) HEROES in just 48 hours. The event was linked all over the world by real time video streaming, tweets and facebook. 

In Dublin we were divided in two teams and each team developed a project following the theme. My team, Souper-KIT, has created a new service called "communiKIT". 

Focusing on the research of "who is your local superhero" and with a lot of brainstorming, interviews and LOADS of post-it, we have come out with this idea to connect people in apartment blocks and possibly local communities.

In fact nowadays with technology we have thousands of friends all over the world with Facebook etc. but we might not know our neighbors that could come and help us in the moment of need.

The experience has been fantastic and made us learn new research and service design tools. A big Thank you to all the supervisors, Re, Conor, Lynsey and all the others!!!

Here our project: communiKIT

1 comment:

  1. مراكز الصيانة التي تعمل لصالح توكيل الكتروستار تقوم بتوفير خدمات صيانة الكتروستارالمعتمده لصيانة و اصلاح كافة اعطال الاجهزة التي تنتجها شركة الكتروستار في مصر و المركز الرئيسي لتقديم خدمات الكتروستار في مصر يوجد بمحافظة القاهرة و يوجد العديد من الفروع المعتمده و الحاصلة علي موافقة المركز الرئيسي للخدمات في اغلب محافظات الجمهورية
